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Downtown, North Saskatchewan River view Webcam

Downtown, North Saskatchewan River view

Camera Overview

Downtown, North Saskatchewan River view Webcam screenshot
Latitude: 53.54, Longitude: -113.49
North Saskatchewan is a river that flows from a glacier in the Canadian Rockies and flows further through the province of Saskatchewan. This is one of two large rivers (the second is South Saskatchewan), which merge to form the Saskatchewan River. The Saskatchewan River Basin is the largest in western Canada, covers most of southern Alberta and southern Saskatchewan, and crosses the center of Manitoba. In 1989, the North Saskatchewan River was included in the list of protected rivers in Canada. There is a large reservoir on the river - Abraham.

Local Weather

  • Current Time:17:46
  • Temperature:32.9°F / 0.5°C
  • Wind: (SW) 6.3 mph
  • Condition:SunnySunny
  • Pressure:30.02 in / 1017 mb
  • Humidity:47%
  • Visibility:6 mil / 10 km
  • UV Index:0.4
  • Sunrise:Sunrise07:41 AM
  • Sunset:Sunrise05:55 PM
  • Max Temp:36.1°F / 2.3°C
  • Min Temp:-9°F / -22.8°C

Location on Map

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