Camera Overview
Latitude: 40.71, Longitude: -74.01
The original plan called for the memorial to be 9 meters below street level. According to the approved project, the memorial consists of a group of trees surrounding huge pools at the place where the towers stood. The monument is dedicated to those who died on the day of the attacks or participated in the rescue of people.
Local Weather
- Current Time:15:09
- Temperature:39.9°F / 4.4°C
- Wind: (WSW) 13.6 mph
- Condition:Overcast
- Pressure:29.91 in / 1013 mb
- Humidity:46%
- Visibility:9 mil / 16 km
- UV Index:0.5
- Sunrise:07:19 AM
- Sunset:04:51 PM
- Max Temp:47.5°F / 8.6°C
- Min Temp:30°F / -1.1°C