Camera Overview
Latitude: 36.16, Longitude: -86.77
Live View of the Cumberland River Embankment
Enjoy a live look at the beautiful Cumberland River embankment with the stunning skyline in the background. The webcam captures iconic landmarks like the AT&T Building, giving viewers a real-time glimpse of Music City's vibrant atmosphere. See Music City cams.
Local Weather
- Current Time:15:16
- Temperature:42.1°F / 5.6°C
- Wind: (NW) 7.8 mph
- Condition:Partly cloudy
- Pressure:30.25 in / 1024 mb
- Humidity:50%
- Visibility:9 mil / 16 km
- UV Index:1.4
- Sunrise:06:58 AM
- Sunset:04:54 PM
- Max Temp:40.6°F / 4.8°C
- Min Temp:26.4°F / -3.1°C